Aktuelne vijesti

Agenda I. zimske eMPIRICA IT radionice

I. dan (09.01.2013.)

10:00–10:15 Otvaranje IT radionice

10:15–11:30 Naučite osobine komponenti računara i postanite sam svoj PC serviser

11:30–11:45 Pauza

11:45–12:30 Upoznajte Windows 8: okruženje koje ćete zavoljeti na prvi pogled

12:30–12:45 Pauza

12:45–14:00 Koristite Photoshop: neka vaše fotografije izgledaju profesionalno

II. dan (10.01.2013.)

10:00–11:45 Iskoristite MovieMaker i YouTube: predstavite sebe i svoju kreativnost

11:45–12:00 Pauza

12:00–14:00 Takmičarski dio ( samostalan rad - izrada video zapisa)

14:00–15:00 Rad komisije za ocjenu samostalnih radova učesnika

15:00–15:15 Proglašenje pobjednika i uručenje diploma i nagrada

Why to Choose to Study at eMPIRICA

College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA in Brcko District BiH offers truly unique study programmes in BiH and high quality access to educational process, which puts students' demands and needs in focus.

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Top 10

Ten reasons why to study at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA

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Dual Diploma-Transnational Study Programme

eMPIRICA College and Ljubljana School of Business received in September 2012 from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education NAKVIS (www.nakvis.si) authorisation to conduct transnational Business Informatics studies and issue BIH-SLO diplomas.

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Price List- Tuition that Covers all Studies Expenses

Dear students, so as to make your studies more financially affordable, keeping a high level of quality we have devised a scholarship that covers all your expenses during the studies.

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Recognition of Exams and Industry Certificates

We believe that many of you partly received education at other higher education institutions. We recognise your every knowledge which is connected to out study programme.

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Certiport Testing Centre

In November 2012, College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA became Certiport testing centre.

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Local Cisco Networking Academy VS eMPIRICA

Local Cisco Networking Academy eMPIRICA

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