About studies

College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA


College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA in Brcko District BiH was founded by the Local Business Initiatives Foundation Brcko District BiH and Ljubljana School of Business Slovenia.

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Study programmes

Welcome to our website

Dear students and parents, 

In each society all higher education institutions are academic communities of the free individuals - teachers, researchers and student and they are the most progressive part of the society. The aim of College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA is demonstration of human power, potential and vision based on preconceived, educational, scientific, research based and global principles. We are trying to increase competitiveness in the environment by linking business with science and education through acquirement of IT knowledge and skills.

Dual Slovenian-BiH degree, scientific knowledge and skills, as well as education in the field of acknowledged industry certification will enable our graduates to choose an employment in BiH, regional countries, EU countries and worldwide.

We educate students for the most sought after occupations in the job market. 90% of our graduates are employed in the profession, a significant number of them are employed by IT companies where they have conducted industrial practice, and also a significant number of them work for foreign IT companies. Some of our graduates continued their second cycle studies.

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Dvojna diploma na studijskom programu Poslovna informatika

Studijski program Poslovna informatika na Visokoj školi eMPIRICA je jedini studijski program poslovne informatike u BiH koji studentima nudi dvojnu diplomu po završetku studija -  diplomu licencirane visokoškolske ustanove iz BiH  (Visoka škola eMPIRICA) i diplomu akreditirane visokoškolske ustanove iz Slovenije (Visoka šola za poslovne vede iz Ljubljane - Ljubljana School of Business).

Visoka škola eMPIRICA i Visoka šola za poslovne vede iz Ljubljane dobili su u septembru 2012. godine od Slovenačke agencije za osiguranje kvaliteta u visokom obrazovanju NAKVIS (www.nakvis.si) odobrenje da mogu na Visokoj školi eMPIRICA izvoditi transnacionalni studij za studijski program Poslovna informatika.

Studenti Visoke škole eMPIRICA, na osnovu te odluke, istovremeno se administrativno vode kao studenti obje visoke škole, i po okončanju studija dobijaju dvije diplome:

  • diplomu Visoke škole eMPIRICA
  • diplomu Visoke šole za poslovne vede iz Ljubljane.

Sam proces sticanja NAKVIS ODOBRENJA je bio dugotrajan i zahtjevan. Visoka škola eMPIRICA je tokom tog procesa bila u obavezi dokazati kvalitetu nastavnog kadra, fizičkih resursa i procedura za osiguranje kvaliteta, što je i učinila. Samim izdavanjem odobrenja, NAKVIS nalaže Visokoj školi eMPIRICA da nastavu izvodi u skladu sa standardima kvaliteta propisanim od strane ove agencije, što se kontinuirano prati i evaluira putem metodologije za provjeru kvaliteta u visokom obrazovanju.

Why to Choose to Study at eMPIRICA

College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA in Brcko District BiH offers truly unique study programmes in BiH and high quality access to educational process, which puts students' demands and needs in focus.

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Top 10

Ten reasons why to study at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA

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Dual Diploma-Transnational Study Programme

eMPIRICA College and Ljubljana School of Business received in September 2012 from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education NAKVIS (www.nakvis.si) authorisation to conduct transnational Business Informatics studies and issue BIH-SLO diplomas.

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Price List- Tuition that Covers all Studies Expenses

Dear students, so as to make your studies more financially affordable, keeping a high level of quality we have devised a scholarship that covers all your expenses during the studies.

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Recognition of Exams and Industry Certificates

We believe that many of you partly received education at other higher education institutions. We recognise your every knowledge which is connected to out study programme.

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Certiport Testing Centre

In November 2012, College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA became Certiport testing centre.

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Local Cisco Networking Academy VS eMPIRICA

Local Cisco Networking Academy eMPIRICA

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